Rich Galen
Senior Advisor to YOUR Campaign!

We have just passed the six-month-to-go mark before the November 4 elections.

If you are a candidate, a friend of a candidate, or a member of the campaign staff, you know that NOW is time to begin putting together the team you will need for that final push.

In addition to the fundraisers and the pollsters; the organization people and the media folks; you will need a Senior Advisor who will counsel your campaign on:

- Tying your campaign's message to state/national issues;
- Helping find opportunities to get your opponent on the defensive;
- Making certain the paid media and earned media are coordinated;
- Reviewing and/or suggesting press releases and speech ideas;
- Getting the most out of your e-campaign.

Who is this person?

Rich Galen

I think you know what I do.

If not, let me briefly remind you of my background:

- Press Secretary to Congressman and Senator Dan Quayle.
- Press Secretary to Republican Whip Newt Gingrich
- Communications Director, Political Office of Speaker Newt Gingrich
- Executive Director of GOPAC
- Director of Regional Media for the Coalition Provisional Authority, Iraq
- Senior Advisor to the Presidential campaign of Sen. Fred Thompson
- Regular political commentator on Fox and CNN

You know I have a way with words and can put together a logical, persuasive, colorful, attention-getting argument without making even my most partisan opponents on Fox or CNN angry with me.

What would it mean to your campaign to be able to say "Rich Galen has signed on as a Senior Advisor?"

It might well mean an increase in credibility, which may lead to more and better press coverage and … more donors contributing more money!

How does it work?

There is a flat fee of $3,000 per month for State or Local races; $5,000 per month for Federal races. For that fee I will:

- Participate in two phone calls per week with the campaign for discussion and guidance
- Review (but not write from scratch) op-eds, press releases, statements, etc.
- Make one trip to your campaign per month at your discretion. You have to pay expenses, but you can schedule a fund-raising event (breakfast, lunch, speech, etc.) which might well pay for my entire line-item.

It's simple to get started.

E-mail me at and we'll get the process moving.

Remember - there are only six months to go. If you are going to be involved in a serious campaign, this is the time to take the campaign seriously!

There are a limited number of slots available. If you are interested, I urge you to act quickly so you are not shut out.

I hope to hear from you in the next few days.


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