Time to Subscribe

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A number of associations, PACs, corporate offices of government affairs, foundations, lobbying firms, etc. have expressed interest, over time, in supporting Mullings.

However for many, a paid sponsorship has not been an appropriate vehicle for that support.

If you are interested in advertising on Mullings, please go here.

The decline in advertising affecting the media generally (with which I know you are very familiar) has not missed Mullings. If a small organization can be a microcosm, then Mullings is a nanocosm. Nevertheless, Mullings is a business and needs revenue to survive.

I am turning to the readers of Mullings - who are the reason for its existence - for help in generating that needed revenue.

Reach and Scope

To review the bidding, the Mullings has established a unique niche in American political debate.

The e-mail list is now at about 22,000 people. While a significant portion of these recipients are outside the Washington, DC area, they are all politically aware and highly motivated (if the e-mails I receive from them are any test).

A great number of national political print and broadcast reporters receive Mullings. In fact, I often know when a new reporter has been assigned to the Washington bureau because I'll get a "subscribe" request from a domain name easily identifiable as a news organization.

A number of reporters have indicated they read Mullings with some regularity to get a perspective they would never get to on their own. And, while they don't necessarily agree with my approaches, reporters accept them as valid because of my long history here in town.

Some senior Democratic operatives read Mullings much the way Kremlinologists at the CIA used to read "Pravda" during the cold war: They think they can tease out the true thinking of the Administration or the Republican National Committee in advance of a new public relations initiative by one or both.

They're wrong, but it's nice to be noticed.

Hill staff in both bodies are fully Mullings-ized. A quick check of the database shows over 850 addresses for House and Senate staffers.

Finally, because a significant number of people went into the Administration from downtown or the Hill, and more went in from the campaign, a great many have changed their e-mail addresses for Mullings to be sent to their new offices.

How You Can Help

I would like to suggest, in essence, a "site license" to Mullings for your office. As I briefly note in the main subscription page, you might tick off the number of people in your office who receive Mullings - either directly or by having it forwarded to them - and purchase a corporate subscription at the rate of $25 for each.

A subscription to Mullings - or for that matter an advertisement in Mullings - is a fully deductible business expense. Much as your subscriptions to The Nation, and the New York Times; or your ads in Roll Call and The Hill.

If you would like to be helpful in this way, you have several options:

You can go right to the secure web page and use a credit card;

Or, you can send a check to:

P.O. Box 19057
Alexandria, VA 22320-0057

If you need an invoice, drop me a note at rich@mullings.com with the necessary info (name, address, amount) and I'll e-mail one or send one to you through the Postal Service.

I hope hear from you soon.
