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Mullings: An American Cyber-column by Rich Galen

    An American Cyber-Column

    Bond. James Bond

    Rich Galen
    Wednesday May 12, 2004

  • You know how all 147 James Bond movies start the same way? A furious action scene followed by the titles and the theme music sung by some chanteuse?

  • Monday's MULLINGS was the furious action scene as I re-started the regular columns - the first since last October.

  • Cue the chanteuse.

  • For those who were introduced to MULLINGS during the Iraqi Adventures (and the Iraq Travelogues), Monday's column was the typical Monday-Wednesday-Friday version you will see in your mailbox.

  • MULLINGS started as a fax-newsletter in 1998 when I was the executive director of GOPAC. In 1999, I took MULLINGS private and started it as a for-profit business.

  • Thus has it been ever since - at least until I went to Baghdad.

  • Now, the for-profit requirement is back.

  • One way MULLINGS generates revenue is through advertisements.

  • The number of ads goes up and down with the winds of commerce, but there have been some who have been with MULLINGS since the get-go in 1999:
  • Becki Donatelli of the Donatelli Group;
  • Ed Goeas and the Tarrance Group;
  • Jim Innocenzi and Steve Sandler of Sandler & Innocenzi Media;
    and the newcomer of the group - having only been with us since 2000,
  • Page Moon at Focus Data Solutions.
  • MULLINGS is attractive to advertisers because of the depth of its readership: A high concentration of Administration and Capitol Hill staffers as well as a large number of Washington-based political reporters; and the breadth of its readership - about 27,300 people are currently in the MULLINGS data base.

  • I would like to increase that number to at least 30,000, so I need you to contact everyone in your address book and have them subscribe - FOR FREE - to MULLINGS. To read more about this plea, click Here.

  • If you think you have a company or an association which might benefit from marketing to MULLINGS readers, please click Here.

  • The second method of producing income is from PAID Subscriptions.

  • This is like National Public Radio: You can listen for free, but if you think it's worth a little something, you can donate to keep it going. Unlike NPR, Mullings has not generally been a line item in the annual Federal budget. Nevertheless, if you've enjoyed Mullings and feel you would like keep it going, you can, for $25 per year, be a Paid Subscriber.

  • There are some restrictions due to my service in the Department of Defense for the past six months, and you can read all about it Here and decide for yourself.

  • The third and final way that MULLINGS generates revenue is through paid speaking engagements. If you are with a company or association and are looking for someone who can bring to your group a real view of what is going on in Iraq and and insider's view of Washington politics; I'm your guy. E-mail me at info@mullings.com and I'll get in touch with you with the details. If you'd rather go through a professional organization, contact my Speakers Bureau Premiere Speakers by e-mailing Duane Ward at duane@premierespeakers.com.

  • MULLINGS is generally distributed at about 10 pm Eastern time Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights with a dateline of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As necessary - like national political conventions, Presidential debates, and so on, special editions are published.

  • Also, occasional Travelogues - not unlike the Iraq Travelogues, are published depending upon how irritated I become on some trip or another. It is not outside the realm of possibility that Ranger Rick may make a return engagement as his particular talents require.

  • Every column gives you the option of unsubscribing by scrolling down to the bottom and following the simple directions.

  • That's pretty much the drill. I hope you find MULLINGS worth your time.

  • Slow Dissolve to Friday's Column �

  • On Today's Secret Decoder Ring: Links to everything above, the definition of "chanteuse" and a Mullfoto of the Day!

    Copyright �2004 Richard A. Galen

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