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The definition of the word mull.


Secret Decoder Ring


401(k). 400(k). 399(k)…

Friday March 16, 2001

  • TITLE: "401(k). 400(k). 399(k)…" The shrinking value of peoples' 401(k) plans. A 401(k) plan takes its name from the section of the Internal Revenue Code of 1978 that created them.

  • "… it has lost 60 percent of its value …" The Nasdaq index had a 52-week high of 5078.86. It closed yesterday at 1940.71, a drop of 61.8%.

  • " …Keyser Soze …" The mysterious character from the 1995 film "Usual Suspects" for which Kevin Spacey won an Academy Award.

  • "Didn't need Cheney. Again." In spite of breathless anticipation on the part of television news anchors, there has not yet been a vote in the U.S. Senate which required Vice President Cheney to break a tie.
    (Rollcall Vote No. 36 Leg. )
    March 15, 2001,   6:07 PM
    BILL NO.: S.420
    TITLE: S.420, As Amended
    RESULT: Bill Passed
      Akaka                   Dorgan                   McCain
      Allard                  Edwards                  McConnell
      Allen                   Ensign                   Mikulski
      Baucus                  Enzi                     Miller
      Bayh                    Feinstein                Murkowski
      Bennett                 Frist                    Murray
      Biden                   Graham                   Nelson (NE)
      Bingaman                Gramm                    Nickles
      Bond                    Grassley                 Reid
      Breaux                  Gregg                    Roberts
      Bunning                 Hagel                    Santorum
      Burns                   Hatch                    Schumer
      Byrd                    Helms                    Sessions
      Campbell                Hollings                 Shelby
      Cantwell                Hutchinson               Smith (NH)
      Carnahan                Inhofe                   Smith (OR)
      Carper                  Inouye                   Snowe
      Chafee                  Jeffords                 Specter
      Cleland                 Johnson                  Stabenow
      Clinton                 Kohl                     Stevens
      Cochran                 Kyl                      Thomas
      Collins                 Landrieu                 Thompson
      Conrad                  Leahy                    Thurmond
      Craig                   Levin                    Torricelli
      Crapo                   Lieberman                Voinovich
      Daschle                 Lincoln                  Warner
      DeWine                  Lott                     Wyden
      Domenici                Lugar
      Brownback               Feingold                 Nelson (FL)
      Corzine                 Harkin                   Reed
      Dayton                  Hutchison                Rockefeller
      Dodd                    Kennedy                  Sarbanes
      Durbin                  Kerry                    Wellstone
                                Answered 'Present'---1
                                    Not Voting---1


  • Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:

    "Do I look dead? That was Morton Downey, Jr.
    -- Fred Prouser/Reuters


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