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The definition of the word mull.


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Tick Tock
Monday, February 28, 2000

  • Title: "Tick Tock" A press term for a story which recounts - minute-by-minute - the activities which led up to a specific event. There were tick-tocks done for the JFK jr. plane crash, for instance. There will be tick-tocks for the Presidential inauguration.

  • "… St. Asaph's and Madison in Alexandria, Virginia…" This is close to the northern edge of what is known as "Old Town" or, alternatively, "Old Towne" depending upon whether you go for people calling their store a "shoppe."

  • "…the Royal Restaurant …" Is one of the better neighborhood breakfast stops in the entire Washington, DC metro area. It is a place where people leave their newspapers at the front table when they're done with them so the next person can read it.

  • "There has not been a Republican…" I have no idea when, or if, there was a Republican member of the Alexandria City Council.

  • "… the [Virginia Governor James] Gilmore - [Virginia Senator John] Warner machine …" Gilmore and Warner are supporting Governor Bush in Tuesday's Presidential primary.


  • Here is the list of March 7th Primaries:

    American Samoa - Democratic caucus
    California - Presidential primaries
    Connecticut - Presidential primaries
    Georgia - Presidential primaries
    Hawaii - Democratic caucuses
    Idaho - Democratic caucuses
    Maine - Presidential primaries
    Maryland - Presidential primaries
    Massachusetts - Presidential primaries
    Minnesota - Presidential caucuses
    Missouri - Presidential primaries
    New York - Presidential primaries
    North Dakota - Democratic caucuses
    Ohio - Presidential primaries
    Rhode Island - Presidential primaries
    Vermont - Presidential primaries
    Washington - Presidential caucuses

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