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The definition of the word mull.


Secret Decoder Ring


Hillary's Gone and Jane's on the Loose

Friday, January 7, 2000

  • Title: "Hillary's Gone and Jane's on the Loose" It cannot go unremarked that Hillary Rodham Clinton Rodham and Jane Fonda moved out of their husbands' homes on the same week.

  • "(SFX):" Sound Effects, a notation in a script.

  • "…like those pictures dancing on the beach …" Several years ago the Clintons allowed cameras to film them dancing on a beach. No "Save the Whales" jokes, please. We're still in the "Spirit of Christmas" season.

  • "… Pit Row at a NASCAR track …" Racing cars are known for having as many sponsors' decals pasted upon them as possible.

  • "Here's the problem …" The three most important words in a relationship are: I Love You. The three most important words in a political campaign are: Cash On Hand. Bradley has more Cash on Hand than does Gore. That means no matter what happens in Iowa and New Hampshire, Bradley has the wherewithal to stick around until the Big States on March 7th - New York and California (among a host of others).

    If Bradley is still in the running (or has pulled ahead) going into the summer, he will have a great deal of sway over the Democratic National Convention. There is almost no chance the Dems can get their ducks back in a row following the Convention.

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