The Thinker: Rich Galen
The definition of the word mull.


By Rich Galen September 06, 1999 Volume 11, Number 49

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Hey! Dumbo! Pick a Lane!

* Dr. Len Kleinrock, a UCLA computer science professor, who wrote a paper in 1961 describing the internet, recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of the first transmission between two computers using what is now internet technology. Al Gore was not in attendance.

* Last week was Education Week in American politics. Gore’s folks thought they would create a great photo op by having Gore kneel down and point to the brick wall of a school which he said needed repair. Here’s an idea for one of those ads on the sides of busses: A picture of Gore wearing a hard hat, holding a trowel (in the Grant Wood manner), with the line: “Al Gore. He invented … bricks.”

* Continuing the theme, the Community Improvement President, Bill Clinton, used a cordless screw driver to help put some desks together at an elementary school in Virginia. “Now that I’m a homeowner I’ll have to get one of these,” he said. “I’ve never seen one of these before.” Now, before we question the veracity of that statement, remember it might well depend upon what the definition of “driver” is.

* Bill and Hillary have found a little one-point-something-million-dollar cottage in Westchester County for Hillary to live in after they finish their current gig in Washington. The mortgage is secured by a one-point-something-million-dollar cash deposit by Democratic fundraiser Terry McAuliffe. A representative of the White House office of ethics said, apparently with a straight face, there was nothing wrong with this deal.

* In one of those internet-only juxtapositions, the web page which contained the AP story dealing with Clinton at the school, had a banner ad for a mortgage company above it which read: “If you have a 3% down payment, you can afford the HOUSE of YOUR DREAMS.” The name of the mortgage company was not terrymcauliffe-dot-com.

* Three weeks ago Bill Rodham Clinton offered executive clemency to a bunch of Puerto Rican terrorists, a move which he obviously thought would help Hillary Rodham Clinton Rodham’s campaign for Senate.

* Having listened to the furor the scam created, The First Homeowner now claims she never thought it was a good idea, she hated the idea from the very beginning, she had known nothing about the idea until it was announced, if she had known about the idea – which she didn’t – she would have told one-and-all how horrible the idea was. Translation? Her polling has indicated the clemency hasn’t had any effect on the Puerto Rican vote.

* President Clinton gave a vote of confidence to Attorney General Janet Reno who was Attorney General throughout the siege at Waco but refused to do the same for FBI director Louis Freeh who was not FBI director at the time.

* Gabe Kaplan should open the House when it returns tomorrow. John Sebastian could sing the opening prayer.

* Why not get some of those smart mice we’ve been reading about? From Reuters. Dateline Thailand: Elephants brought into Bangkok's city limits will get microchip implants so authorities can track their movements to prevent them re-entering and further cluttering the capital's already congested streets.

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