The Thinker: Rich Galen
The definition of the word mull.


By Rich Galen July 22, 1999 Volume 11, Number 33

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Gore to Clinton: Butt Out

* Another not terrific week for the filter-tipped campaign of Al Gore. The latest Gallup Poll has George W. leading Tobacco Al 55% to 38%. But that's not the really bad news. That shows up in the question "What is your opinion of Bill Clinton as a person?" Positive: 39%. Negative: 59%. Minus 20.

* The Gore campaign suffers from a condition no amount of HMO reform will correct: CFS - Clinton Fatigue Syndrome.

* As if that weren't enough, Ron Fournier's AP piece had a headline the Gore campaign has been eagerly awaiting: "Clinton Compares Gore to Nixon." If Gore campaign chief Tony Coelho had his way, Fournier's next piece would be headed: "Gore Nixes Clinton."

* One last pothole in the Gore campaign's road to the White House: After beating up on George W. to release the names of the Bush "Pioneers" - the 115 people who promised to raise at least $100,000 each, the Gore campaign quietly released their list. All 24 of them.

* As proof that Clinton is losing his edge, he not only got Nixon into the Gore story, he got Nixon into the JFK, Jr. story as well. At his press conference yesterday Clinton said John Kennedy had not been back to the White House since President Kennedy had been killed. Reporters remembered the younger Kennedy had been at the White House during the Nixon administration.

* White House Spinsters - tired of Nixon references - had to convince the press that Clinton had meant to say it was the first time John, Jr. had been back as an adult.

* More headline irony. The Associated Press head of a story about the House GOP's plan for federal education funding by Anjetta McQueen: "House Votes To Gut Teacher Plan"

* That Journal of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, the Washington Post, had a headline for a story on the same subject by Kenneth Cooper: "House to Give Spending Power to Schools."

* Hillary's campaign for the U.S. Senate is staggering toward an autumn dissolution. Not only is she also suffering from CFS. Not only is she trailing Mayor Rudy Giuliani in the polls. But the NY Yankees' David Cone, at a ceremony honoring his perfect game over the weekend, said the team knew that Mayor Rudy was the real Yankee fan in that race. Yankees, it seems, know from carpetbaggers.

* More on the Corporation for Public Broadcasting swapping donor lists with the Democrats: The IRS decided in about 37 seconds that there was nothing wrong with PBS swapping donor lists with the Dems even though it seems like it might be co-mingling Public Broadcasting's tax deductible funds with the Democratic National Committee's non-deductible money.

* Remember, it took that same IRS nearly TWO YEARS of looking in the closets and shoeboxes of dozens of Republican organizations, individuals, and colleges - which permitted the House Democrats to quake with righteous indignation each and every day - before they grudgingly whispered that Newt Gingrich had done nothing wrong.

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