The Thinker: Rich Galen
The definition of the word mull.


By Rich Galen February 12, 1999 Volume 11, Number 18

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Last Day in Scandalville

* If the standard continuum for things ending stretches between a bang and a whimper, this scandal is ending with a collective, national sigh.

* Not at the White House though. Bill Clinton is "furious" at the House Managers, according to the New York Times. He is, apparently, storming about vowing revenge on the Managers. This report caused such hard feelings among both Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill that the White House had to deny Clinton was planning to wreak havoc on his enemies.

* According to the Times article, Clinton believes winning back the House is part of "restoring his legacy." His legacy is having LOST the House in 1994, having prevented the Democrats from winning it back in 1996 because of the way he conducted his campaign, and being unable to take it back in 1998 despite it being all but placed in his hands. Looked at another way, Clinton couldn't beat Gingrich in three tries.

* Remember, it was Dick Gephardt, not Newt Gingrich who first used the term "reprehensible" in referring to Bill Clinton.

* Meanwhile, in his first direct mail appeal to potential contributors, according to the AP's Kalpana Srinivasan, Vice President Al "It-Wasn't-Me-It-Was-Him" Gore asks for money so as not to "succumb to the forces of divisiveness, extremism and personal destruction."

* Ok, so President Bill Clinton is on the phone to his pals plotting personal revenge on the House Managers, while his Vice President has begun his campaign asking for money so as to prevent personal attacks. Dick Gephardt is right, they ARE reprehensible.

* Here's his legacy, carved in stone by California Democrat Diane Feinstein: "The president acted immorally, he acted recklessly, he acted disgracefully. He willfully misled the American people, the members of his Cabinet, his staff and the judicial system." And she's voting for acquittal!

* Democrats will now be the ones focused on Impeachment for the next month. They will clog the Sunday talk shows claiming the Senate vote proves these charges should never have been brought. But history is not written contemporaneously with events. Future generations will come to understand who were the good guys and who were the bad.

* Republicans should immediately pivot and talk about tax cuts, less government regulation, moving more money and more power out of Washington back to the States and localities, and building on legislation like welfare reform to demonstrate that new thinking, not new government programs, can and should be used to improve the lives of Americans.

* The real revenge will be wrought by House and Senate Liberals who have been forced to defend actions they find despicable by a President they distrust.

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